Concordance the web in real-time. WebCorp leverages web search APIs to provide real world examples of language use. Search for a word or phrase.
A search tool with access to multiple web-extracted corpora. Includes part-of-speech tagging, wildcard search, concordancing, collocation and analysis of change over time.
Online collaborative annotation. Upload your own texts, annotate them, and share them with others. Designed for teaching classes of students and collaboration within research groups.
A tool to convert transcripts into XML. Takes Word docs, PDFs and other text formats as input. Recognises CA notation and converts it into XML for search and further processing.
Visualise Twitter search results as word clouds (based on word frequency) or force-directed graphs (based on the co-occurrence of words in the same tweets).
I work in the School of English at Birmingham City University. Here's my biography and publications.
More specifically, I work as part of a Corpus Linguistics research and software development team. Check out our projects.